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A Registered Historic Cemetery with the
Texas Historical Commission.
Established - January 10th, 1992

Native Texas Wildflowers of the Confederate Cemetery
Photo's of these Native Texas Wildflowers where taken by CCA Secretary Jo Ann Seiler.
Texas State Law prohibits us from mowing or string trimming these flowers until after the have gone to seed.

The Confederate Lily,
aka Crinum Lily, a lily of the feild.
"...they neither toil nor spin.”
Matthew 6:28

Wandering Jew (Purple)
For the Lord your God has blessed you in all that you have done; He has known your wanderings through this great wilderness.
Deuteronomy 2:7

Texas Lantana Bush

Scarlet Mush

Wandering Jew (True Texas Blue)

Wild Morning Gloy Vine

Englemann Daisy
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